Data Source
This is the exploratory data analysis of the German Credit Database.
This dataset is a subset of the full dataset by Prof. Hofmann. Original dataset: UCI
Data Description
In this dataset, each entry represents a person who takes a credit by a bank. There are 1000 such entries and 9 features.
Project Goal
To do Exploratory Data Analysis of this dataset and find interesting insights.
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- As credit amount went up duration for the credit also went up
- People didn’t prefer to take big credits for large amount of time
- We can see that highly skilled workers took greater credit amount than others even though they applied for less no. of applications
- The biggest applications for credit were for car. People with free housing where applying to get cars.
No. of applications by people with free housing according to purpose of application:
Social Preview Photo Credit:
Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash